39–47, Signs,
wonders, and the Resurrection are to attend the Second Coming;
54–59, The Lord
will reign during the Millennium
I was a new bishop in Laramie, I was surprised and pleased when I found out
that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ was the theme for one of the months of
instruction. Little children were being
taught not to fear His coming (like I was as a child), rather, they were shown
that his coming will be a wonderful event that we can prepare for with great
joy! The verses cited above make two
wonderful facts clear: (1) The signs of His coming are something we can be
thrilled about—not frightened. Before He comes, for example, the gospel of
Jesus Christ was to be restored again to the earth. This began when the Father and the Son
appeared to the prophet, Joseph Smith, and continued with the restoration of
the priesthood authority and keys by John the Baptist and Peter, James, and
John, to Joseph and Oliver. The coming
forth of the Book of Mormon was prophesied by Isaiah along with the building of
the church in the tops of the mountains.
Isaiah also saw the church going to the whole world. Daniel saw the church starting very small,
like a “stone cut out of the mountain without hands,” but then eventually
“filling the whole earth.” Christ’s resurrection of all of Heavenly Father’s
children is the crowning accomplishment and sign of his Second Coming.
(2) After Christ
returns, a period of 1000 years of peace will come to the earth. He will
reign personally. The resurrection will
commence and continue until all are resurrected. There will be no death. Our earthly bodies and spirits will be reunited. Families who have been sealed together by the
priesthood ordinances of the temple will continue to live as families for all
eternity. Those who did not have the
opportunity to hear the gospel will be given that chance.