Saturday, October 25, 2014

Section 5

Joseph was a prophet, seer, and revelator.  God gave him the ability to translate the Gold Plates (which were written in reformed Egyptian).  He was told by the Lord that he and Three Witnesses would testify that the Plates existed, that he (Joseph) translated them, and that what he wrote was the word of God.  The testimonies of the Three Witnesses (Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris) are found in the introducton section to the Book of Mormon.  Eight others would also give their sworn testimonies that the plates existed, were written by ancient prophets, were delivered to the prophet Joseph by an angel named Moroni, and that the book was a second witness to the reality of our living Savior, Jesus Christ.  The testimony of the Eight Witnesses is also published in the introduction section of the Book of Mormon.

I add my witness and testimony that the Book of Mormon is true!  I have read it many times through and have studied it carefully for over 40 years.  I have prayed and received my personal testimony that the Savior did come to America after his resurrection at Jerusalem.  He descended from Heaven and his visit is documented in the Book of Third Nephi found in the Book of Mormon.  This record of his visit and the things he said and did while he was here, are the foundation of my belief.  No one can ever convince me otherwise.  I know.  I know by the power of the Holy Ghost.  I invite my beloved family and friends to join with me in reading this book and learning for yourselves that it is true.  I love you.  I wish you well in your journey.

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