John the Beloved was allowed to stay on the earth and not taste of death. This means that Jesus changed John's body so that he would not die but instead be a "translated being" meaning he doesn't age, cannot die, doesn't feel any pain, and has been on earth serving as a missionary from the time Jesus was on the earth until now. John came with Peter and James to confer the Melchizedec Priesthood or "higher" priesthood upon Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. With this priesthood now restored, the Church of Jesus Christ could be organized, which took place April 7, 1830. (Previous to their visit with the prophet, John the Baptist had appeared to them and conferred the Aaronic Priesthood upon them. This gave them the authority to perform baptisms. The Melchizedec Priesthood gave them the authority and keys to perform the ordinances of Confirmation of the Holy Ghost and temple ordinances.)
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