Monday, August 29, 2016

Section 103

19 Therefore, let not your hearts faint…
My parents were there to encourage me in most situations in my life. They did so even when they didn’t necessarily agree with the direction I was headed.  For example, they didn’t agree with me when I wanted to play football in high school. Nevertheless, they were pleased to see that it made me happy and met my needs at the time.  It turns out their concerns were legitimate: look at all the data coming out on concussions.  Fortunately, I never had a head injury, coming away with only a broken nose and lots of bumps and bruises.  Ironically, football was not my favorite.  Too bad I didn’t get a scholarship to play golf at USU!  I think God knew that I would fail miserably at football thus humbling me enough to get on a better path.

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