Monday, August 15, 2016

Section 99

John Murdock lost his wife as she gave birth to twins.  Those twins were adopted by Joseph and Emma.  The Lord called John to preach the gospel.  His sacrifice in doing so-- amidst so much loss-- is breathtaking.  What have I had to sacrifice in my life that comes anywhere near this level of consecration?  And yet, I have covenanted with God to sacrifice my all for Him. As I reflect, the thought comes to me that what the Lord has required of me is to sacrifice my sins, that is, I have been required to repent—often—daily.  Perhaps by so doing I have met, in a small way, the promise I have made.  Ironically, my attempt to develop a penitent heart, is only made possible because of the Savior’s ultimate sacrifice and gift of his Atonement.

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