Monday, July 18, 2016

Section 91

While Joseph Smith was working on his translation of the Old Testament, part of the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, he asked the Lord about the Apocrypha—whether or not to translate it too.  The Lord told him that it contained much truth and was a worthwhile read, but that much of it was not true.  So, he was told to go ahead and the glean the good and ignore the false, and counsel others to do the same.  This was to be done through the power of the Spirit. Joseph became very adept at translating.
We also are commanded by the Lord to do our own translation of the things we read.  Much of our excellent literature has an element of earthiness or untruth that must be detected and dealt with.  When we read the scriptures we must also do our own translation, that is, we must see things with fresh and inspired eyes discerning by the Spirit what the Lord wants us to see.

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