Saturday, July 30, 2016

Section 96

When we were living in Las Vegas, I went on a Church History trip to the Kirtland, Ohio, area.  One wonderful memory is of the John Johnson farm.  This is where Joseph and Emma and their adopted twins stayed for a time.  When we were there farm house was surrounded by apple orchards.  We purchased several boxes of apples for the group and I ate and ate those sweet, delicious treats until I could eat no more! Yum. The memory is strong, maybe because of how amazing the apples were. Joseph and Sidney Rigdon received the vision of the three degrees of glory and saw the Savior as they met in the upstairs of the house here. Sadly, this is the place Joseph was tarred and feathered and his little son died partly from the exposure of that terrible night.
John Johnson was a very faithful member of the church.  The Lord promised him eternal life. Like my family, he was from the House of Israel, a descendent of Joseph who was sold into Egypt by his brothers.  We have the same promise as John Johnson if we remain faithful.

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