Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Section 102

The organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been revealed line upon line.  Patterned after the church in Christ’s day, it begins with the offices of President, and Counselors (usually two) making up the First Presidency.  Next, the Quorum of Twelve, consisting of 12 Apostles.  Since the members of the First Presidency are also Apostles, there are usually 15 Apostles on the Earth at any given time.  The Quorums of Seventy consist of (1) life-time appointees-who move to Salt Lake City, and (2) those who serve for about 5 years (also move to Salt Lake City) and then are released. The Seventies are considered “General Authorities” as are the First Presidency and Quorum of Twelve Apostles.  There are also Area Seventies who live at home and preside over geographical areas of the church.  They are not considered “General Authorities,” rather, they are “Area Authority Seventies.” The governing body of the Seventy are the Seven Presidents of Seventy—consisting of seven life time Seventies.
At the Stake level there is the Stake President and two Counselors.  There is Relief Society (Pres. And 2 Counselors), Primary (Pres. And 2 Counselors) and Sunday School (Pres. And 2 counselors), Young Men’s President and 2 Counselors, Young Women’s President and her 2 Counselors. There is also a High Council made up of twelve high priests and presided over by the Stake Presidency.  Attending to many stake presidency matters is the Stake Clerk (with several assistants), and the Executive Secretary. One important stake-level position is the stake music chairman and the stake choir director. Currently, Michelle is filling both of those positions in her stake.
At the ward level, there is the Bishop and his two Counselors, Executive Secretary, and the Ward Clerk (the ward clerk position is actually a stake called position—I’m not sure why).  There is a Relief Society President and her two counselors, a Primary President and her two counselors, a Young Men’s President and his two counselors, a Young Women’s President and her two counselors, a Ward Mission Leader, an Elder’s Quorum President and his two counselors, and a High Priest Group Leader with his two assistants.  There are many teaching and serving positions in the wards and stakes.  I have focused only on the leadership callings.
In this section of the D&C, the first high council was organized and given policies and procedures.
I may have made some errors in this summary of leadership in the church.  Please forgive me if I didn’t get it just right.

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